
Day 15 of my 100 Day Challenge

As you can see from my happy little count-up timer, today is Day 15. I listed the 9 intentions for the 100 days in a previous post. I am still working on all of them, but I decided a few days ago to focus mainly on 3 at a time for 20 days at a time. I am currently focusing on building a strong partnership with my husband, having physical and mental clarity, organization and peace, and leading a significantly-sized productive team for my business.

I am noticing that I create an obstacle in my manifesting of these goals by the way I feel about them under the surface. If you are familiar, you know thoughts become feelings become actions...Well, I have noticed I make very strong initial statements when I think about my goals, but then my mind immediately wanders to the negative fear-based side of the goal. For example, I can strongly say I AM going to become financially independent with my business before I turn 42 years old. I really do BELIEVE this, however, I want this to happen so badly that I start to worry about what would happen if I don't get this goal. I start thinking about living a limited life, being a stressed-out teacher forever, and not reaching my other goals and dreams because of it. This is so terribly toxic in terms of the Law of Attraction, so I am starting to monitor this thought/feelings process very, very carefully. Anyhow, enough said for now. I am currently entering student grades into my online gradebook and listening to one of the 100 Day Challenge participants video logs on youtube. Most of my Sunday has passed by in this manner. Hope your Sunday is going well!

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